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Promo Paket Haji Plus Profesional di Jakarta Utara Hubungi 021-9929-2337 atau 0821-2406-5740 Alhijaz Indowisata adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang tour dan travel. Nama Alhijaz terinspirasi dari istilah dua kota suci bagi umat islam pada zaman nabi Muhammad saw. yaitu Makkah dan Madinah. Dua kota yang penuh berkah sehingga diharapkan menular dalam kinerja perusahaan. Sedangkan Indowisata merupakan akronim dari kata indo yang berarti negara Indonesia dan wisata yang menjadi fokus usaha bisnis kami.

Promo Paket Haji Plus Profesional di Jakarta Utara Alhijaz Indowisata didirikan oleh Bapak H. Abdullah Djakfar Muksen pada tahun 2010. Merangkak dari kecil namun pasti, alhijaz berkembang pesat dari mulai penjualan tiket maskapai penerbangan domestik dan luar negeri, tour domestik hingga mengembangkan ke layanan jasa umrah dan haji khusus. Tak hanya itu, pada tahun 2011 Alhijaz kembali membuka divisi baru yaitu provider visa umrah yang bekerja sama dengan muassasah arab saudi. Sebagai komitmen legalitas perusahaan dalam melayani pelanggan dan jamaah secara aman dan profesional, saat ini perusahaan telah mengantongi izin resmi dari pemerintah melalui kementrian pariwisata, lalu izin haji khusus dan umrah dari kementrian agama. Selain itu perusahaan juga tergabung dalam komunitas organisasi travel nasional seperti Asita, komunitas penyelenggara umrah dan haji khusus yaitu HIMPUH dan organisasi internasional yaitu IATA.

Promo Paket Haji Plus Profesional di Jakarta Utara, Diduga karena cemburu mantan pacarnya didekati oleh temannya,  Rido Hasan yang berusia 21 tahun , karya, Diduga karena cemburu mantan pacarnya didekati oleh temannya,  Rido Hasan yang berusia 21 tahun , karyawan Indomaret, telah tewas ditusuk tersangka F di halaman parkir Indomaret, Desa Candimas, Natar, Lampung Selatan, pada Sabtu (1/2) malam.

Tersangka F yang langsung kabur dengan mengendaraai sepeda motor usai menusuk leher korban dengan pisau belati, malam sekitar pukul 22.00 malam itu.

Saat kejadian tersebut , korban warga Dusun IV, Desa Pancasila, Natar, Lampung Selatan, hendak pulang kerja.

Warga yang telah melihat langsung memberikan pertolongan membawa korban ke Rumah Sakit Medika Natar namun karena terlalu banyak mengluarkan darah nyawa korban akhirnya tidak berhasil diselamatkan.

Kapolsek Natar Kompol Yohanes Agustiandaru juga telah membenarkan, ada laporan kasus pembunuhan di Desa Candi Mas Natar atas nama Rido Hasan meninggal dunia setelah ditusuk oleh rekannya di bagian leher belakang.

“Tersangka F kini dalam pengejaran,” kata Kompol Yohanes.

Pada awalnya tersangka telah  mendatangi korban yang sedang membereskan tempatnya bekerja di Indomart kemudian tersangka telah mengajak korban keluar saat itulah tersangka menusuk korban dengan pisau di bagian belakang leher.

Editor : Dian Sukmawati

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim.. Aku awali pesan ini dengan kata bismillah, berharap agar semua berjalan mudah. Tapi kenyataanya

Aku awali pesan ini dengan kata bismillah, berharap agar semua berjalan mudah.
Tapi kenyataanya, tak ada cara mudah untuk menyampaikn ini semua.
Dari pada aku berbasa basi banyak alasan, lebih baik ku sampaikan saja secara mengalir laksana sebuah cerita.
Semalam waktu aku berkumpul bersama keluarga ku, bapak, ibu, dan adik-adik ku, aku bercerita tentang kamu.
tentang hubungan kita.
Tentang asal usul dan juga setatus mu.
Tapi.. respon yang ku dapat jauh di luar perkiraan yang ku harap.
Bahkan harus berahir dengan penyesalan.
mengapa aku tadi bercerita?
kenapa tadi ku tak diam saja?
Aku menggerutu dalam hati yang di penuhi sesal.
Tapi begitulah takdir berperan, mengalir bagai arus air.
Tak akan bisa di tahan walau dengan membentang kedua tangan.
Apa kamu tau apa respon mereka?
Ibunda ku berkata..
“Le..mbok kamu itu tau diri.
Lihat dulu dari kalangan mana kamu berasal.
Dia itu orang yang berpendidikan.
Kuliah, jadi mahasiswi, pasti orang tuanya mengharap masa depan cerah untuk dia.
Mereka ingin hidup anak mereka terjamin, berkecukupan, dan bisa jadi “orang”.
Lha kamu ini apa to le?
Kamu cuma lulusan SD, lulusan pesantren.
Jangankan kuliah le, SMP saja kamu ga’ pernah.
Lha kok berani-beraninya pacaran sama mahasiswa, yang cerah masa depanya.
Lebih baik kamu “lepas” saja dia.
Sebelum semua terlambat terlalu jauh.
Sebelum kamu mengecewakanya terlalu dalam.
Ngomong pelan-pelan sama dia.
Yang halus..yang sopan.
Kalo dia marah sama kamu, itu memang haknya dia.
Karena itu memang salah kamu.
Tapi ibu nasehatkan sama kamu, itu semua juga demi kebaikan dia.
Dia ga’ pantes sama kamu.
Dia berhak dapat yang lebih baik dari pada kamu.
Kita ini orang kecil le.
Berfikiran yang sederhana.
Yang penting hidup tentram dan mensyukuri apa yang ada.
Kalo kamu memang cinta sama dia, seharusnya kamu ga’ egois.
Kamu juga harus mikir masa depan dia juga.
Kalo dia sama kamu yang orang kampung ini, mau jadi apa dia?
Lagi pula dia jauh juga kan?
Ibu ga’ pengen nanti punya menantu yang jauh.
Apa lagi sampai nyebrang laut.
Kamu ga’ lihat sekarang kapal pada tenggelam?
Pesawat juga pada jatuh?
Kalo memang terpaksa dapat yang jauh, yang penting ga’ nyebrang laut”.
Bapak ku juga mendukung kata-kata ibu ku..
“Mumpung belum kenal lebih dalam, mending sudahi skrg.
Dari pada kamu malah lebih membuat dia kecewa nantinya”.
Aku berfikir semalaman.
Galau, kecewa, dan marah, karena merasa aku ga’ pernah di anggap benar dalam melangkah.
Tapi.. setelah ku berfikir panjang, kata-kata mereka benar juga.
Kamu ga’ pantas dengan aku.
Kamu berhak mendapat yang lebih baik dari aku.
Aku hanya ingin.. jika hubungan ini harus berahir, ku ingin di ahiri dengan baik-baik..
Sebagaimana kita memulai semua ini dengan baik-baik pula.
Ku ingin kau mengerti sayang, ku meninggalkan mu bukan karena rasa benci ku.
Tapi.. Ku ingin kau tau, beginilah cara ku dalam mencintai mu.
Bukankah cinta itu bukan tentang bagaimana cara kita memiliki?
Tapi bagaimana cara kita berkorban demi orang yang paling kita cintai..
Dan dalam kisah ku ini, orang itu adalah kamu..
Baik-baiklah kau di batas cakrawala sana..
Dan dari belahan bumi yang jauh ini, aku kan selalu mendo’akan untuk kebahagiaan mu..
Dari ku..
Cinta mu di ujung bumi .....
cerita romantis di atas adalah sebuah cerita yang diambil dari kisah perjalanan yang nyata. Begitu romantis dan menyentuh hati...untuk se sengkap nya klik di sini

Frontline  An installment of this PBS program looks at the effects of Ebola on Liberia and other countries, as well as the origins of the outbreak.

Frontline An installment of this PBS program looks at the effects of Ebola on Liberia and other countries, as well as the origins of the outbreak.

The program traces the outbreak to its origin, thought to be a tree full of bats in Guinea.

Review: ‘9-Man’ Is More Than a Game for Chinese-Americans

A variation of volleyball with nine men on each side is profiled Tuesday night on the World Channel in an absorbing documentary called “9-Man.”


‘Hard Earned’ Documents the Plight of the Working Poor

“Hard Earned,” an Al Jazeera America series, follows five working-class families scrambling to stay ahead on limited incomes.

GREENWICH, Conn. — Mago is in the bedroom. You can go in.

The big man lies on a hospital bed with his bare feet scraping its bottom rail. His head is propped on a scarlet pillow, the left temple dented, the right side paralyzed. His dark hair is kept just long enough to conceal the scars.

The occasional sounds he makes are understood only by his wife, but he still has that punctuating left hand. In slow motion, the fingers curl and close. A thumbs-up greeting.

Hello, Mago.

This is Magomed Abdusalamov, 34, also known as the Russian Tyson, also known as Mago. He is a former heavyweight boxer who scored four knockouts and 14 technical knockouts in his first 18 professional fights. He preferred to stand between rounds. Sitting conveyed weakness.

But Mago lost his 19th fight, his big chance, at the packed Theater at Madison Square Garden in November 2013. His 19th decision, and his last.

Now here he is, in a small bedroom in a working-class neighborhood in Greenwich, in a modest house his family rents cheap from a devoted friend. The air-pressure machine for his mattress hums like an expectant crowd.


Mike Perez, left, and Magomed Abdusalamov during the fight in which Abdusalamov was injured. Credit Joe Camporeale/USA Today Sports, via Reuters


Today is like any other day, except for those days when he is hurried in crisis to the hospital. Every three hours during the night, his slight wife, Bakanay, 28, has risen to turn his 6-foot-3 body — 210 pounds of dead weight. It has to be done. Infections of the gaping bedsore above his tailbone have nearly killed him.

Then, with the help of a young caretaker, Baka has gotten two of their daughters off to elementary school and settled down the toddler. Yes, Mago and Baka are blessed with all girls, but they had also hoped for a son someday.

They feed Mago as they clean him; it’s easier that way. For breakfast, which comes with a side of crushed antiseizure pills, he likes oatmeal with a squirt of Hershey’s chocolate syrup. But even oatmeal must be puréed and fed to him by spoon.

He opens his mouth to indicate more, the way a baby does. But his paralysis has made everything a choking hazard. His water needs a stirring of powdered food thickener, and still he chokes — eh-eh-eh — as he tries to cough up what will not go down.


Mago used to drink only water. No alcohol. Not even soda. A sip of juice would be as far as he dared. Now even water betrays him.

With the caretaker’s help, Baka uses a washcloth and soap to clean his body and shampoo his hair. How handsome still, she has thought. Sometimes, in the night, she leaves the bedroom to watch old videos, just to hear again his voice in the fullness of life. She cries, wipes her eyes and returns, feigning happiness. Mago must never see her sad.


 Abdusalamov's hand being massaged. Credit Ángel Franco/The New York Times


When Baka finishes, Mago is cleanshaven and fresh down to his trimmed and filed toenails. “I want him to look good,” she says.

Theirs was an arranged Muslim marriage in Makhachkala, in the Russian republic of Dagestan. He was 23, she was 18 and their future hinged on boxing. Sometimes they would shadowbox in love, her David to his Goliath. You are so strong, he would tell her.

His father once told him he could either be a bandit or an athlete, but if he chose banditry, “I will kill you.” This paternal advice, Mago later told The Ventura County Reporter, “made it a very easy decision for me.”

Mago won against mediocre competition, in Moscow and Hollywood, Fla., in Las Vegas and Johnstown, Pa. He was knocked down only once, and even then, it surprised more than hurt. He scored a technical knockout in the next round.

It all led up to this: the undercard at the Garden, Mike Perez vs. Magomed Abdusalamov, 10 rounds, on HBO. A win, he believed, would improve his chances of taking on the heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko, who sat in the crowd of 4,600 with his fiancée, the actress Hayden Panettiere, watching.

Wearing black-and-red trunks and a green mouth guard, Mago went to work. But in the first round, a hard forearm to his left cheek rocked him. At the bell, he returned to his corner, and this time, he sat down. “I think it’s broken,” he repeatedly said in Russian.


Bakanay Abdusalamova, Abdusalamov's wife, and her injured husband and a masseur in the background. Credit Ángel Franco/The New York Times


Maybe at that point, somebody — the referee, the ringside doctors, his handlers — should have stopped the fight, under a guiding principle: better one punch too early than one punch too late. But the bloody trade of blows continued into the seventh, eighth, ninth, a hand and orbital bone broken, his face transforming.

Meanwhile, in the family’s apartment in Miami, Baka forced herself to watch the broadcast. She could see it in his swollen eyes. Something was off.

After the final round, Perez raised his tattooed arms in victory, and Mago wandered off in a fog. He had taken 312 punches in about 40 minutes, for a purse of $40,000.



In the locker room, doctors sutured a cut above Mago’s left eye and tested his cognitive abilities. He did not do well. The ambulance that waits in expectation at every fight was not summoned by boxing officials.

Blood was pooling in Mago’s cranial cavity as he left the Garden. He vomited on the pavement while his handlers flagged a taxi to St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital. There, doctors induced a coma and removed part of his skull to drain fluids and ease the swelling.

Then came the stroke.


A championship belt belonging to Abdusalamov and a card from one of his daughters. Credit Ángel Franco/The New York Times


It is lunchtime now, and the aroma of puréed beef and potatoes lingers. So do the questions.

How will Mago and Baka pay the $2 million in medical bills they owe? What if their friend can no longer offer them this home? Will they win their lawsuits against the five ringside doctors, the referee, and a New York State boxing inspector? What about Mago’s future care?

Most of all: Is this it?

A napkin rests on Mago’s chest. As another spoonful of mush approaches, he opens his mouth, half-swallows, chokes, and coughs until it clears. Eh-eh-eh. Sometimes he turns bluish, but Baka never shows fear. Always happy for Mago.

Some days he is wheeled out for physical therapy or speech therapy. Today, two massage therapists come to knead his half-limp body like a pair of skilled corner men.

Soon, Mago will doze. Then his three daughters, ages 2, 6 and 9, will descend upon him to talk of their day. Not long ago, the oldest lugged his championship belt to school for a proud show-and-tell moment. Her classmates were amazed at the weight of it.

Then, tonight, there will be more puréed food and pulverized medication, more coughing, and more tender care from his wife, before sleep comes.

Goodbye, Mago.

He half-smiles, raises his one good hand, and forms a fist.

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